Thursday, April 15, 2010

Take Your Mark...Go!

When you are point something away from a cut, what will help you get it is a good start. A good start contains the way you prepare yourself before the official says "take your mark", where your hands and toes are after the officials say "take your mark", how you push off the block after the "bell noise" goes off for you to go, and the position you are in when your in the air before you dive into the water.
~~The way you can prepare yourself on the starting block before the official says "take your mark" is to get in a position similar to the picture above on t he left, except have your hands on your knees. That gets you ready to go in the final position right before you take off. When you get in that half-position you should still keep your head down so you can be focused for the race your about to swim.
~~Your hands and toes should be curved over the edge of the block. You should be in the final position I explained in the last paragraph above. Only your toes should be curved over the edge, not you feet. Also your fingers should grab the end of t he block while your hand is following your arm up where you shoulders are. That gives you more power when you dive and push off t he blocks.
~~When the go sound goes off, then that's when you have to dive into the water. You don't want to go straight down, you want to have a shallow dive. When you dive you want to go far also. You don't want to go into the water as soon as your off the blocks, you want to stretch and go far into the water. It will help if your hand and toes are where they need to be.
~~After you dive off the blocks, but before you get into the water, you need to be squeezing in as hard as you can. When your in the air it will help if your in a streamline position. It will be lass resistance and will better you time.
~~That was just a fast way to sum up a good start. The video below will explain starts more.

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